Friday, April 6, 2012

What's my big news?

I am now an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay cosmetics.  

Yay for paying of my student loans even faster!

I'm super excited! I love make up, I love helping people find what looks best on them and it makes them feel good. It also allows me to work with a lot of charities too, pretty great deal. Oh, and did I mention I can even earn free cars? Hopefully one day I get there, starting off small for now. I'm doing a lot of training, no fun, and it's kinda stressing me out because I already have a full time job and a social life. But in the end when I have those loans paid off and money saved up to move all the hard work will have paid off.

I'm working on building my inventory and networking, I already have a few parties lined up so I'm really grateful for my friends and their friends and so on.

So of course I'll keep everyone updated on that, oh and my glasses that should of been here a week ago wont be in till Monday. It would be lovely to see at night while driving, oh well.

Big plans for this weekend! Going out tomorrow night, Sunday is my friends b day so we'll be by her pool drinking and eating, I'll post pictures.



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tea time

Big news...

I have a second job! It's something I'm really excited about. It involves something I enjoy doing and having the ability to help others in the process...can you guess what it is?

I'll tell you more tomorrow.

